The University of Tübingen, Department of Radiation Oncology (with section for Biomedical Physics) and Department for Interventional and Diagnostic Radiology (with section for Experimental Radiology), offer a
Postdoc position
(100 %, TV-L)
The position is part of a joint interdisciplinary research program on Magnetic Resonance guided Radiation Therapy (MRgRT), funded by the German Research Council (DFG PAK 997/1-1) and supported by the Medical Faculty Tübingen. The position is limited for 2 years, continuation for a third year is intended.
Description of the position/project:
Tübingen is an internationally leading site in clinical implementation of MRgRT. Through funding by the DFG the first 1.5 T MR-linear accelerator in Germany started in 2018. Our research program aims at unravelling the potential and limitations of online adaptive MRgRT in patients with head and neck, prostate, liver and rectal cancer. The postdoctoral researcher employed in this project will focus on the development of novel quantitative MR imaging sequences for predictive models and 4D-MR techniques for abdominal imaging as well as image analysis strategies using machine learning methods.
Qualification requirement:
· PhD in physics, medical physics, computer science or a similar discipline.
· Strong background in medical radiation physics, MRI/MRS and image processing
· Experience in machine learning techniques
· Ideally experience with combined MR-Linac technology
· Good programming skills in C++, Matlab, Python or similar
We are looking for a candidate with interest in this unique interdisciplinary team effort in medical and imaging physics, translational oncology and computer science.
We offer remuneration in accordance with TV-L (collective wage agreement for the Public Service of the German Federal States) in addition to all the customary benefits granted to employees working in Public Services. Severely handicapped persons with equal qualifications are given preferential consideration. The University of Tübingen is anxious to increase its quota of female scientific staff, and therefore emphatically requests women to apply for this position. The Administration of the University hospital is responsible for all employment matters. Personnel appointments will be made pursuant to the fundamental stipulations of the legal statutes for universities in Germany. Interview expenses are not covered.
For further information please contact Daniela Thorwarth, daniela.thorwarth@med.uni-tuebingen.de, phone +49 7071 2986055.
Applications with a motivation letter, full CV, academic diplomas and transcripts, publication list and two contacts for further references should be sent online to daniela.thorwarth@med.uni-tuebingen.de.
Application deadline: 30th June, 2020