



  Postdoctoral positions are immediately available in the laboratory of Dr. Tomasz Skorski at Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA. The research is focused on: (1) determination the mechanistic aspects of how mutations driving leukemias modulate DNA damage response, (2) identification of mutation patterns in leukemias, which determine the sensitivity of malignant cells to specific DNA repair inhibitors, and (3) testing new drugs targeting DNA damage response in single cells/clones. Our overall goal is to develop biomarkers that predict tumor response to novel DNA repair inhibitors combined with standard DNA damaging agents and to understand the molecular mechanisms. Research involves molecular biology of DNA repair, testing novel drugs, mouse models of cancer, bioinformatics, and extensive mammalian tissue culture. Candidates should send a curriculum vitae, a brief description of research experience, and the names of three references to Dr. Tomasz Skorski (Email: tskorski@temple.edu).

  Compliance Statement: In the performance of their functions as detailed in the position description employees have an obligation to avoid ethical, legal, financial and other conflicts of interest to ensure that their actions and outside activities do not conflict with their primary employment responsibilities at the institution. Employees are also expected to understand and be in compliance with applicable laws, University and employment policies and regulations, including NCAAregulations for areas and departments which their essential functions cause them to interact.