Postdoc positions for research in Persistent Bacterial Infections – PERFECTION*, Rigshospitalet**, Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
A research consortium investigating persistent bacterial infections has recently been established at Rigshospitalet (National Hospital) in Copenhagen. The research will focus on bacterial infections caused by a range of bacterial species infecting lungs, skin (wounds) and stomach, which are often resilient to treatment and therefore develop into persistent infections. Host-microbe interactions will be investigated in infection models mimicking the relevant patient tissues, and access to bacterial strain libraries from infected patients will be exploited for analysis of infection stages and trajectories.
PERFECTION is rooted in the Infection Microbiology Group at Rigshospitalet and Technical University of Denmark, currently comprising 10 researchers covering different biomedical areas, e.g. genetics, bacterial metabolism, data modeling and bioinformatics, phages, and genome-wide gene expression. The group is successfully publishing in high-ranking journals and has a wide international network of collaborative partners.
We currently search for 4 ambitious and highly motivated postdoctoral researchers with documented expertise within:
· Microbial genetics and –omics (bacterial strain design, genome engineering and basal level bioinformatics)
Submitted applications must include the following:
· Short statement of reason for applying
· Curriculum vitae
· List of publications and previously obtained grants, honors and awards
· Short resumé of previous research and employments
· Names of 1-3 references (previous mentors or supervisors)
· MSc and PhD diploma
The period of employment is 2 years with the possibility of extension. Application deadline is December 16, 2019 at 12:00. Interviews of short-listed applicants will be organized in the beginning of January 2020.