Two postdoctoral research positions are available at The Vision Center at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and The Saban Research Institute (affiliated with USC Keck School of Medicine) to develop CRISPR-based gene editing approaches for treatment of inherited retinal dystrophies. Experimental approaches will include production of patient-derived iPSCs and retinal organoids, and design and testing of patient-specific gene editing strategies using in vitro generated retinal tissue. The laboratory features dedicated stem cell based disease modeling facilities, a large cohort of patients with inherited retinal diseases, and retinal organoid expertise (Aparicio et al 2017 (PMID 27867005), Browne et al 2017 (PMID 28672397), and Aparicio et al, in: Schwartz SD, Nagiel A, Lanza R, eds. Cellular Therapies for Retinal Disease: A Strategic Approach, 2017). Qualified applicants should have an MD and/or PhD with a strong background in gene editing, stem cell-derived organoid production, or disease modeling and interest in translational retinal research.
Please send a CV, summary of past research, and a letter of interest to Drs. A. Nagiel and D. Cobrinik, care of Ms. Armine Begijanmasihi (abegijanmasihi@chla.usc.edu).