A postdoc position in Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, Rutgers University (State University of New Jersey) is available immediately. The research interest of the lab is to study the development and progression of cancer, including cancer metastasis, cancer metabolic reprogramming and tumor microenvironment. Specific research directions in the lab include: 1) the regulation and function of tumor suppressor p53 and its gain-of function mutants in cancer; 2) the mechanisms of a multifunctional cytokine LIF in cancer metabolism and immunology; 3) the role of chronic stress upon immunology, tumor micro environment and cancer.
Candidates should have a recent Ph.D. Degree and solid background and skills in molecular
biology and cancer biology. Previous experience with mouse work is desired and experience
in cancer immunology is preferred. Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey/Rutgers, State
University of New Jersey is a National Cancer Institute (NCI) designated comprehensive
cancer center, and a world-class cancer center. The cancer center is located in the big
Princeton area in New Jersey, USA.
Contact Information: Applicants should send a CV and names of three references by email
to: Dr. Wenwei Hu, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, Rutgers University, New
Brunswick, NJ 08903, USA