Postdoctoral Fellowship in Health Policy Simulation Modeling Stanford University, Stanford, CA
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Health Policy Simulation Modeling is available in Dr. Sylvia Plevritis’ Lab located in the James H. Clark Center at Stanford University. The fellowship will involve the development and application of computer simulation modeling to study the impact of alternative cancer screening and treatment strategies on cancer incidence and mortality rates in the US population and inform health policy. The ideal candidate should have a Ph.D. in a field related to simulation modeling (i.e. operations research, applied mathematics) or a field that involves training in statistical analysis of clinical data (i.e. biostatistics, health-outcomes research, epidemiology). Experience in stochastic simulation modeling, Monte Carlo methods, parameter estimation, survival analysis and computer programming (C/C++, R) is critical. Knowledge of cancer epidemiology, cancer screening and treatment trials and analysis of cancer registry data is needed. Excellent verbal and written communication skills are necessary.
Applicants should e-mail the following as a Single PDF File under the subject line “Postdoctoral Fellow in Health Policy Simulation Modeling” to Ramzi Totah (rtotah@stanford.edu): 1) cover letter describing research experience, accomplishments and research interests, 2) CV and 3) 3 references.
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