The Research Group Metabolic Imaging (Head: Dr. Lundbom) within the Institute for Clinical Diabetology of DDZ (Director: Prof. Dr. M. Roden) seeks candidates for a PostDoc to develop novel MRI and multinuclei (H-1, P-31, C-13) MRS methods of measuring metabolism in vivo. The DDZ has its own re-search dedicated 3.0T whole body MR scanner with all required infrastructure for 1H/13C/31P/19F MRS and a research contract with Philips. Prof. Roden and colleagues focus on the clinical application of multi-nuclear MRS combined with MRI and stable isotope technology. Major findings relate to insulin resistance, fatty liver disease, and mitochondrial dysfunction. Dr. Lundbom and colleagues seek to develop novel methods of measuring human metabolism to answer questions relating to the development of insulin resistance, obesity, and diabetes. The central topic of the research group is to measure tissue energy metabolism through multinuclear spectroscopy measurements.
Required: Ph.D. in physics, engineering or a related discipline, preferably with experience in nuclear magnetic reso-nance method development and pulse sequence programming. The candidate should show diligence, personal responsibility, capacity for teamwork, resilience, good German and very good English language skills. Scientific interest in metabolism and physiology is desirable. Tasks: Pulse sequence development relating to non-invasive markers of energy metabolism, for example spectral editing, relaxometry and diffusion weighted spectroscopy. Other tasks include data analyses, collaborative research in medicine/biochemistry/physiology, writing publications and Grants.
The German Diabetes Center is committed to family-friendly working conditions and equal gender policy. Since May 2011, the DDZ is a "Career and Family" audit-acknowledged Center.