
西班牙Pere Virgili健康研究院招聘化学物质食品安全方向博士后


Research group looking for an excellent candidate for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships 2015.


The Chemical Engineering Department/Center of Environmental Food and Toxicological Technology (TecnATox) research group (Professor Marta Schuhmacher) is looking for a postdoc candidate interested in applying modern strategies for more accurate risk-assessment approaches for potential health risks associated with exposure to chemicals mixtures present in our everyday life. My proposal is to develop an integrated strategy for the safety assessment of complex mixtures of chemicals that integrate exposure, systems toxicology and computational modelling to identify effects in mixtures of chemicals. These strategies include detailed mechanistic understanding of the ways in which xenobiotic substances perturb biological systems and lead to adverse outcomes. To that it’s necessary to combine advanced analytical and computational tools. Cheminformatics and QSAR models will provide computational evidence of potential interactions. Keywords: Risk Assessmet, complex mixtures of chemicals, exposure, systems toxicology, computational models. Profile of the candidate: The candidate should have a very good CV. Have knowledge of Environmental Science, mechanistic understanding of the ways in which xenobiotic substances perturbs biological systems and ability with bioinformatics tools.

Additional Job Details

Chemical Engineering Department Center of Environmental Food and Toxicological Technology (TecnATox) Environmental Analysis and Management Group (AGA) http://www.tecnatox.cat