


Postdoc position at the Department of Experimental Psychology, Ghent University, Belgium


We are seeking a highly motivated Postdoc for a 3-year position at the Dept. of Experimental Psychology, Ghent University (Belgium). The focus of our lab is the investigation of motivational influences on different cognitive functions (http://users.ugent.be/~rkrebs/). The postdoc position will be created as part of an ERC starting grant (REMOTIVATE – reward revisited: towards a comprehensive understanding of motivational influences on human cognition) that investigates interactions between reward, cognitive control, and emotional processes. The candidate will mainly be involved in fMRI experiments, but extensions to EEG and combined fMRI-EEG are possible. Candidates are expected to have a PhD in the field of psychology or cognitive neuroscience at the time of the starting date. Individuals with prior training in fMRI acquisition and analysis, as well as reward processing and/or cognitive control would be excellent for this position. Good programming and data analysis skills, or an eagerness to learn, are essential. Familiarity with physiological measures (heart rate, respiratory rate, and skin conductance) and eye tracking is beneficial but not required. Our department hosts several research groups in the realm of cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience, creating a dynamic research environment including regular internal talk series as well as presentations by invited speakers. We have access to a research-dedicated 3-tesla MR scanner (Siemens), a Biosemi EEG system, as well as an MR-compatible EEG system, eye-tracking devices, and a TMS lab. The preferred starting date for this position is October 1st 2015. Interested candidates should send their CV, a cover letter, and contact information of two referees to ruthmkrebs@gmail.com before May 17th 2015. Interviews will be held in June. Ruth Krebs Dept. of Experimental Psychology, Ghent University Henri Dunantlaan 2 9000 Ghent Belgium