



Employer: Nazarbayev University
Location: Kazakhstan
Job Type : Faculty, Postdoc
Salary: Competitive

Further information

The Department of Biology at Nazarbayev University School of Science and Technology seeks candidates for the positions of Assistant, Associate and Full Professor in all areas of biomedical sciences to complement existing research and teaching capacities. Individuals with experience in the areas of immunology, anatomy and physiology, bioinformatics, biomedical statistics, histology, genomic medicine, microbiology, neurosciences, cancer biology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, synthetic biology or translational systems biology are particularly encouraged to apply. Candidates should have demonstrated excellence in research reflected by high impact factor journal publications. Candidates at Associate and Full Professor levels should have the academic experience required to mentor graduate students in addition to developing and managing cross-disciplinary research programs in biomedical sciences.

Additional Information:

Applicants are requested to submit a curriculum vitae, contact information of four professional referees, statements of his/her own research and teaching plans as one PDF by email to sst@nu.edu.kz.  The academic rank will be determined according to the successful candidate's research productivity, teaching and working experiences. The positions will remain open until filled. 

Relevant websites:

Nazarbayev University - http://nu.edu.kz/   

School of Science and Technology - http://sst.nu.edu.kz/sst/home   

Department of Biology - http://sst.nu.edu.kz/sst/Academics/departments/Biology

Astana - http://visitkazakhstan.kz/en/guide/main/15/0/  and  http://www.expo2017astana.com/