


Postdoctoral Fellow - Neural Mechanisms of Flexible Learning : Memphis, TN, United States

The faculty mentor for this position will be Dr.KAZUKO SAKATA. An NIH/NIMH-funded postdoctoral position is available to study neural mechanisms of flexible learning in the Department of Pharmacology of College of Medicine at University of Tennessee Health Science Center. The project is to elucidate the neural mechanisms of inflexible learning caused by BDNF promoter IV deficiency, using in vivo electrophysiology and mouse behavioral techniques. Duties involve designing and conducting research experiments, data analysis, and writing reports and fellowship applications relative to assigned research projects. Selected candidate will have ample opportunities to interact with a diverse and strong neuroscience community at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. The position is immediately available for one year.

Qualifications: Candidates with a Ph.D. degree in neuroscience, electrophysiology, and mouse behavior, will be given preference. Highly motivated and committed individuals with a strong background in neuroscience and electrophysiology are encouraged to apply.

Salary will be commensurate with relevant experience and based on the prevailing wage for postdoctoral research trainees set by the U.S. Department of Labor. The position includes an excellent benefits package (http://www.uthsc.edu/postdoc/benefits.php). Located in Memphis, a dynamic Mid-South city rich in culture, history, diversity, music and cuisine, the University of Tennessee Health Science Center is one of the largest, most comprehensive academic health centers in the United States with a solid commitment to postdoctoral training. UTHSC is an Equal Employment/Affirmative Action Title VI/IX/ Section 504/ ADA/ADEA Employer.

How to apply: All candidates must apply online at https://academic.uthsc.edu/postdoc/postdoctoral1.php?appid=7322. This correspondence should be considered a public record and subject to public inspection pursuant to the Tennessee Public Records Act….