Cambridge Postdoctoral Fellowship - NCBS/inStem : Cambridge, United Kingdom
Cambridge Postdoctoral Fellowship – NCBS/inStem
Cellular growth control by phosphoinositide metabolism
Salary range £28,977 p.a. to £32,196 p.a.
The Babraham Institute is a charity which is world renowned for its research in life sciences to enhance lives and improve wellbeing.
We are seeking an innovative and independent postdoctoral research scientist to work on a collaborative project between the Hawkins/Stephens lab at the Babraham Institute (http://www.babraham.ac.uk/our-research/signalling) Cambridge and the Padinjat lab at the NCBS (http://flyfat.ncbs.res.in/), Bangalore. The broad aims of the project are to investigate the control of cell and tissue growth by phosphoinositides. We plan to develop and use novel mass spectrometry approaches to analyze phosphoinositide metabolism.
Phosphoinositides are a family of lipids that play key roles in fundamental cellular processes including vesicle trafficking, cytoskeletal function, signal transduction and metabolism. In metazoans, the signalling pathway based on Class I PI3K-dependent synthesis of PIP3 is the most heavily mutated pathway in most human cancers and the role of this pathway in growth control is now known to conserved across evolution. A major barrier to progress in this field is the lack of quantitative, flexible techniques that can measure the amounts and molecular compositions of different phosphoinositide species. We propose to extend our recent advances in mass spectrometric measurement of these lipids (PMID:21278744) in conjunction with novel heavy isotope labelling approaches to define and quantify the metabolism of these lipids in both mammalian and Drosophila model systems.
This is an exciting and unusual opportunity funded by the NCBS-inStem-Cambridge Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme (http://www.cambridge-india.org/funding-opportunities/ncbs-instem-postdoctoral-fellowships) to promote collaborations between the National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS), Bangalore, the Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (inStem), Bangalore and the University of Cambridge. This is an interdisciplinary project and the successful candidate will have a PhD in chemistry or biochemistry and ideally have a working knowledge of mass spectrometry and cell signalling. There will be substantial scope for the right candidate to develop their own direction of research.
The closing date for applications is 31st March, 2015. Candidates will first be invited for interview at NCBS or Babraham in the week beginning 6th April, 2015. The chosen candidate will then develop a two page proposal and present this to the NCBS-inStem-Cambridge panel in either Bangalore or Cambridge in the week commencing 4 May, 2015. The successful fellow would be appointed for a 4 year term and would work in Cambridge for half this period with the other half of the tenure to be completed at NCBS.
For further details please contact Phillip Hawkins (phillip.hawkins@babraham.ac.uk) or Raghu Padinjat (praghu@ncbs.res.in).
Further information about the Institute can be found on our website. Application forms and further details are available electronically from our website (www.babraham.ac.uk), or by contacting our 24-hour Recruitment Line on 01223 496365, or e-mail: babraham.personnel@babraham.ac.uk. On applying please quote reference PH-NCBS-LTC. NO AGENCIES PLEASE
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