PostDoc (2 years) position in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at the Department of Science and Technology, University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy
Applications are invited for postdoctoral researchers (Assegno di ricerca) in Bioinformatics in the area of high throughput sequence analysis. The successful post-doc candidate will work in a multidisciplinary bioinformatics team composed by computer and life sciences researchers. He/she will have opportunities to be involved in cutting-edge research with a high potential for career development. The main activities will be focused on the development of novel algorithms in the context of ncRNA discovery and regulation.
- Postgraduate or PhD in bioinformatics, computer science, statistics or related fields
- Programming skills (at least Perl/Bioperl or R/Bioconductor)
- Experience with machine learning algorithms
- Adequate level of English (or Italian)
- Age less or equal 32
- Publication record in peer-reviewed journals
- Experience in bioinformatics
- Good comprehension of biologically relevant problems and good problem-solving skills
The start date for this position is expected to be at the end of April 2015 its duration is of 2 (two) years.