Two postdoc fellowship positions are available immediately in the laboratory of Sebastian Barg at the Department of Medical Cell Biology, Uppsala University, Sweden. The lab is interested in the cell biology of regulated secretion in the context of type-2 diabetes, in particular how SNAREs and other proteins assemble and orchestrate exocytosis of insulin- and glucagon containing secretory granules (cf Gandasi & Barg Nat Commun 2014). We study human and rodent islet cells using advanced live-cell microscopy (TIRF, super-resolution, single molecules, optogenetics) in combination with patch-clamp electrophysiology.
The positions are initially for one year with possibility for extension, starting as soon as possible. Required background: PhD in cell biology, neuroscience, biophysics or other fields relevant for the position and a solid publication record of original peer-reviewed research (including first author papers in international journals). We are particularly keen to recruit experienced molecular biologists with experience in model genetic organisms or gene editing techniques and cell biologists with experience in high-throughput imaging or electrophysiology. Knowledge of scientific programming is beneficial. The successful candidates will be expected to actively seek funding with the assistance of the PI.
Uppsala University is located in a medium sized university town in the heart of Sweden, with easy access to both nature and Stockholm. The department has a strong commitment to Diabetes Research and we are part of the national EXODIAB network (http://www.exodiab.se/) and have excellent access to the nearby facilities of SciLifeLab. Uppsala University is consistently ranked among the top 100 research universities in the world.
For more information please contact Sebastian Barg (sebastian.barg@mcb.uu.se, phone +46-18-4714660) and see http://www.mcb.uu.se/res/groups/sb/ .
Please submit your application electronically, as one combined document and including:
• A short letter stating your research interests and how you fit the profile of the position
• your CV including publication list
• reference letters and/or names and contact info for references…