The faculty mentor for this position will be Dr.SUSAN A MIRANDA. Description: A highly motivated postdoctoral candidate will be mentored by Dr. Susan Miranda in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at UTHSC. The candidate must have proficiency in molecular biology, cell biology, tissue culturing, and bone biology. The candidate must have practical knowledge of bone biology with expertise in signal transduction, molecular biology and/or epigenetics. Expertise in Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Graphpad, Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator is required. Excellent communication skills, including command of manuscript writing and poster presentations and the capacity to interact with other lab members are essential. Please send Curriculum Vitae or Resume to: Susan Miranda, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Email: smirand5@uthsc.edu. The University of Tennessee is an equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action/Title IX/Section 504/Americans with Disabilities Act/Age Discrimination in Employment Act Employer. Women and Minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.
Qualifications: Applicant must possess a Ph.D. with a strong background in the transcription field and/or bone field with experience in cell culture, RNA and protein analysis, bone analyses, pathology and animal work. The applicant must be able to design and conduct experiments. Strong written and oral communication skills are also essential, including a demonstrated ability to publish research results as peer-reviewed journal articles. The postdoc will have to regularly develop innovative concepts and ideas for further research, review relevant literature, participate in training of other lab members and present at lab meetings and national meetings.
Salary will be commensurate with relevant experience and based on the prevailing wage for postdoctoral research trainees set by the U.S. Department of Labor. The position includes an excellent benefits package (http://www.uthsc.edu/postdoc/benefits.php). Located in Memphis, a dynamic Mid-South city rich in culture, history, diversity, music and cuisine, the University of Tennessee Health Science Center is one of the largest, most comprehensive academic health centers in the United States with a solid commitment to postdoctoral training. UTHSC is an Equal Employment/Affirmative Action Title VI/IX/ Section 504/ ADA/ADEA Employer.