


postdoctoral fellowship in the tumor microenvironment

Employer:  MD Anderson Cancer Center
Job Number:  4015444
Date Posted:  01/13/2015
Application Deadline: 3/1/2015

Job Description

Opportunity to investigate how cancer-associated fibroblasts influence tumor cell metastatic fate. Studies will implement cell co-culture models in 3-dimensional matrices subjected to high resolution microscopy (live and fixed cells), genetically-engineered mouse models of metastatic lung cancer that incorporate fibroblast reporters, and intravital lung microscopy in living mice. Preference will be given to applicants who have at least 1 first-authorship paper in a high impact journal, are seeking first postdoctoral opportunity, have expertise in microscopy, and experience with using 3-dimensional matrices for cell culture studies. …
Contact:  Jonathan Kurie
Thoracic/Head and Neck Medical Oncology
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, TX 
United States