We are looking for a post-doc researcher who will explore shifts in complex landscape systems within the multidisciplinary project 'Smart Landscapes'. The project's overall objective is to find out first which properties of natural and used landscapes enhance or reduce the probability of occurrence of tipping points, and second how this knowledge can be used to design landscapes that promote a shift to a more desired state. 'Smart Landscapes' profits from Wageningen University's strong tradition in studying and modelling complex environmental systems. Disciplines particularly involved in ' Smart Landscapes' are geomorphology/soil science (dr. Arnaud Temme), mathematical biology, modelling (dr. George van Voorn), spatial ecology (dr. Merel Soons), hydrology/climate science (dr. Ryan Teuling) and remote sensing (dr. Lammert Kooistra). This is a 30-month appointment. You will join a previously appointed postdoc in the project. The main task of this postdoc is the application of existing conceptual and numerical models in case studies based on real landscapes. In close collaboration with the previously appointed postdoc, the candidate will perform simulations and analyse long-term time-series to validate model results. Based on this, the candidate is expected to play a central role in the formulation of guidelines for the design of Smart landscapes that can prevent or promote shifts. Results should be published in international journals. The postdoc will take on a coordinating role in the project team. Supported by secretarial staff, the candidate will also play an important role in the organization of meetings and courses in the context of the project. The project is expected to open up a new research field with funding opportunities.