ETH Zurich is one of the leading universities of the world with a strong focus on science and engineering. In 2011 it established the Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC) in collaboration with the National research Foundation (NRF) of Singapore to do interdisciplinary research on pressing problems. In collaboration with the National University of Singapore (NUS), the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), and Singapore Management University (SMU), SEC is undertaking a research programme on "Future Resilient Systems", providing an opportunity for about 40 PhD students and 25 PostDoc researchers to get a PhD degree and/or to strengthen their research skills in an inspiring cross-disciplinary research environment. Within this framework the ETH Singapore is announcing the following job opening. Workplace is Singapore.
Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Infrastructure Systems Modeling – System Integration (75%)
The "Systems Integration" submodule aims to: (1) Conceptualize and design a distributed simulation environment, preferably following IEEE recommendations; (2) design and control the development of a distributed prototype simulation environment that is flexible and extendable; (3) Improve interoperability and expected functionality by extensive testing and continual improvements at the earliest possible phase in the development process; (4) Design and run simulation experiments, and analyze simulation outcomes. A software engineer and a PhD student will support the development of the distributed simulation environment. Client models (federates) will be developed as agent-based models, as system dynamic models, or are available from previous work. The ultimate purpose is to establish a platform to run system-of-systems simulations.
Candidates have a PhD in computer science and experience in distributed modeling and simulation systems (e.g. HLA architecture). They are willing to live in Singapore and work for the Future Resilient Systems project (frs.ethz.ch). If you like to work in an inspiring large-scale project environment, you will be the perfect candidate.
For further information please contact Prof. Hans. R. Heinimann,by e-mail Hans.Heinimann@frs.ethz.ch (no applications).