Information about the project
To meet future legislation for emissions and the demand for decreased energy consumption, new propulsion systems, including aftertreatment systems, are needed. To cover this topic in a broader perspective a “cluster” of three post-docs will address the systems engineering issues at the level of complete hybrid vehicles. The interdependence between the design, optimization and control of the complete powertrain is of particular interest.
The three post-doc positions will be located at the departments of Applied Mechanics, Chemical and Biological Engineering and Signals and Systems and have close collaboration with the three competence centers CERC (Combustion Engine Research Center), KCK (Competence Centre for Catalysis) and SHC (Swedish Hybrid Research Centre) respectively. The strategic contribution of this effort is to develop synergies between existing research efforts on the operation and control of hybrids, the design and control of combustion engines and the design and performance of the aftertreatment system.
The post-doc at Signals and Systems will focus on the control of an electric hybrid powertrain when complete or partial look a-head information about the future drive cycle is available. The control concerns the power split between the electric motor and combustion engines taking into account the present state of the system components, i.e. combustion engine, battery and emission aftertreatment system. Particular focus will be on developing control strategies where the thermal variations of the combustion engine and aftertreatment system, due to the drive cycle, are explicitly modeled and taken into account by the controller. Furthermore, the project will develop a suitable model for the description of the emission control system and link this together with models describing the drivetrain and the control strategy in order to be able to describe and predict the interconnection between the different features in the system. This model development will be conducted in close cooperation with the researchers within the post-doc cluster and will encompass experiments in the Chalmers hybrid powertrain laboratory.
The Signal processing group has a strong background in model-based signal processing using, among other things, tools from mathematical statistics, numerical methods and optimization. Our “classical” applications are found in wireless communications and radar signal processing.The group’s activities in combustion engine research have a long history with a strong cooperation with the Automatic control group at Signals and Systems as well as with the Combustion research group at Applied Mechanics.
Major responsibilities
Independently manage the research project focusing on the control system aspect of hybrid electric powertrains, including control oriented modeling of the subsystems, control structure design and optimization, experimental work and writing scientific papers. Close cooperation with the two other post-docs in the “cluster” at Applied Mechanics and Chemical and Biological Engineering as well as with other persons at the department and in CERC. Be involved in the scientific discussion on the group level as well as within the division and the department levels.
Your major responsibility as post-doc is to perform your own research in a research group. The position also includes teaching on undergraduate and master's levels as well as supervising master's and/or PhD students to a certain extent. Another important aspect involves collaboration within academia and with society at large. The position is meritorious for future research duties within academia as well as industry/the public sector.
Position summary
The appointment is a full-time temporary employment (not a scholarship) for a period of not more than two years (1+1) and is co-funded by the Chalmers Area of Advance in Transportation.
To qualify for the position of post-doc, you must have a doctoral degree within the area of automatic control or signal processing with experience from control applications employing model predictive control or other optimal control methodologies. Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English are expected. The PhD degree should generally not be older than three years. It is regarded as meritorious if you have experience within the field of combustion engine control or hybrid powertrain control, state-estimation, signal processing, data driven modeling, supervision and teaching.
You are expected to be somewhat accustomed to teaching, and to demonstrate good potential within research and education.
For further information and how to apply, please visit: