Postdoctoral and assistant scientist positions are immediately available for R01-supported NIH projects to study axon regeneration, neural repair and myelination in the CNS in Shriners Hospitals Pediatric Research Center (SHPRC) at Temple University in Philadelphia. These projects are focused on: 1) the molecular/cellular mechanisms for CNS neuronal damage and growth failure, and 2) development of novel and effective strategies to promote neuronal regeneration, remyelination and functional recovery after injuries or in neurodegenerative disorders. The candidates are encouraged to find the background information on our research program from our recent high-profile publications [see: Nature. 2014, nature13974 (Epub ahead of print); Biomaterials. 2014 May;35(16):4610-26; J Neurosci. 2011 Oct 5;31(40):14051-66; J Neurosci. 2010 Jan 20;30(3):963-72; J Neurosci. 2008 Sep 3;28(36):8914-28; J Neurosci. 2007 Apr 11;27(15):4154-64; Nature. 2002 May 30;417(6888):547-51; J Neurosci. 2004 Nov 17;24(46):10511-20; J Neurosci. 2003 May 15;23(10):4219-27 and Neuron. 2003 Apr 24;38(2):187-99]. Our lab employs various in vitro and in vivo research approaches, including molecular/cellular neurobiology, biochemistry, genetic and pharmacological methods, and multiple neuronal/axonal lesion models (such as spinal cord injury, optic nerve crush and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis) in rodents.
Highly motivated individuals with a strong background in animal models (neuron, axon, or myelin injury), histology, behavioral tests, molecular and cellular neurobiology and biochemistry are encouraged to apply. The candidates with research experience in neural repair/regeneration, myelination, CNS injury or disorder models will be considered favorably. Candidates should have a PhD, MD/PhD or equivalent in the field of neuroscience, molecular/cellular biology, biomedicine or biochemistry. The successful applicants will have ample opportunity to develop new research skills and are expected to perform innovative and cutting-edge research projects funded by NIH following appropriate training.
Successful applicants will be paid with NIH guideline-based salary and benefits and will become the members of a high-motivated research team in collaborations with other excellent research labs. The research in SHPRC is focused on neural repair and regeneration and this Center provides outstanding research facilities and environment for various levels of trainees and researchers. Temple University is exceedingly diverse in all aspects of University life and is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer.
Highly motivated individuals with a strong background in animal models (neuron, axon, or myelin injury), histology, behavioral tests, molecular and cellular neurobiology and biochemistry are encouraged to apply. The candidates with research experience in neural repair/regeneration, myelination, CNS injury or disorder models will be considered favorably. Candidates should have a PhD, MD/PhD or equivalent in the field of neuroscience, molecular/cellular biology, biomedicine or biochemistry. The successful applicants will have ample opportunity to develop new research skills and are expected to perform innovative and cutting-edge research projects funded by NIH following appropriate training.
Successful applicants will be paid with NIH guideline-based salary and benefits and will become the members of a high-motivated research team in collaborations with other excellent research labs. The research in SHPRC is focused on neural repair and regeneration and this Center provides outstanding research facilities and environment for various levels of trainees and researchers. Temple University is exceedingly diverse in all aspects of University life and is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer.