

Postdoctoral position in Software Engineering : Göteborg, Sweden


The Computer Science and Engineering department is strongly international, with approximately 80 faculty and 70 PhD students from 30 countries. The department is a fully integrated department with University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology as principals. There is extensive national and international collaboration with academia and industry all around the world. The position is placed in the Software Engineering (SE) Division at the department, with Chalmers as the employer. See http://www.chalmers.se/cse/EN for an overview of the department.

Information about the division
Software Engineering is a strategic area at the department and activities in the field are envisaged to grow further. To this end, the Software Engineering division was founded in 2010 by University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology in a joint venture. Within the SE division, research ranges from software architecture, requirements, process improvement and change management, human factors, model-driven software development, agile processes, to verification and validation. In 2011, the Software Center was established in close collaboration with industrial partners, which presents excellent opportunities to conduct research with industry. The division actively collaborates with industrial partners, particularly, from the automotive and telecommunications domain in national and international research projects.

Major responsibilities
The Postdoc will work and participate in externally funded research projects with national and international industrial partners. The research will be in the area of model-driven software engineering for cyber-physical systems. Particularly, relevant topics are model-based requirements engineering, model consistency and evolution, model transformations, and process aspects. An important complementary aspect is the application of empirical research methodologies.

Position summary
The position is a Postdoc position with 100% research for 1 year. It is possible to extend it to 2 years provided the applicant will participate in the education at bachelor or master level in the software engineering and management program.

To qualify for the position of Postdoc, you must have a doctoral degree in Software Engineering, Computer Science or equivalent; the degree should generally not be older than three years. Excellent analytical and communication skills, orally as well as written, ability to work independently and intrinsic motivation are needed. Proficiency in English (orally and literally) is required. Qualifications in model-driven software engineering, requirements engineering, automotive or embedded software development, formal methods, and empirical software engineering is beneficial.

Chalmers continuously strives to be an attractive employer. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.

Application procedure
The application should be marked with Ref 20140362 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically via Chalmers webpage.

Application deadline: December 14, 2014

For questions, please contact:
Matthias Tichy, CSE, tichy@chalmers.se, +46 31-772 6031

Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position.

Chalmers University of Technology conducts research and education in engineering sciences, architecture, technology-related mathematical sciences, natural and nautical sciences, working in close collaboration with industry and society. The strategy for scientific excellence focuses on our eight Areas of Advance; Built Environment, Energy, Information & Communication Technology, Life Science, Materials Science, Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Production and Transport. The aim is to make an active contribution to a sustainable future using the basic sciences as a foundation and innovation and entrepreneurship as the central driving forces. Chalmers has around 11,000 students and 3,000 employees. New knowledge and improved technology have characterised Chalmers since its foundation in 1829, completely in accordance with the will of William Chalmers and his motto: Avancez!