Postdoctoral position in Catalysis for green chemistry : Göteborg, Sweden
Information about the research
In this research program focus is paid on the use of bio-based raw material (e.g. glycerol) for production of green chemicals. This topic is particularly interesting as e.g. glycerol is a by-product in biodiesel production from vegetable oils and the use of renewable feed-stock for production of chemicals and fuels are urgently important for a sustainable society. However, major challenges such as development of efficient and earth abundant catalytic materials, high activity and selectivity preferably at low temperatures and pressures, and efficient use of the atoms in the reactant molecule, i.e. minimizing waste and by-product formation, to mention a few. In this project we intend to address these issues particularly focusing on the interplay between catalyst design and surface reactions, including, for instance, activation of the starting raw material, removal of oxygen, and influence of catalyst poisons/degradation on the surface reactions.
Applied chemistry is a large division with research ranging from surface chemistry and catalysis to polymers and pharmaceutical technology. Competence centre for catalysis (KCK) is a research centre with connections to the groups in surface chemistry, chemical physics, chemical reaction engineering and microscopy and analysis at Chalmers. Traditionally KCK mainly focuses on emission catalysis, however, facing the future with all its environmental challenges, research activities towards production of renewable fuels and chemicals will become important topics.
Major responsibilities
• Independently manage the research project focusing on catalysis for green chemistry, including catalyst design and synthesis, characterization, catalytic evaluation and writing scientific papers.
• Cooperation with other persons in the research group, taking an active part in maintaining and developing the experimental equipment together with the rest of the group.
• Involvement in the scientific discussion on the group level as well as within the division and the department.
Your major responsibility as postdoc is to perform your own research in a research group. The position also includes teaching on undergraduate and master's levels as well as supervising master's and/or PhD students to a certain extent. Another important aspect involves collaboration within academia and with society at large. The position is meritorious for future research duties within academia as well as industry/the public sector.
Position summary
Full-time temporary employment. The position is limited to a maximum of two years (1+1).
To qualify for the position of postdoc, you must have a doctoral degree within the area of catalysis, surface chemistry or organic chemistry, with experience from experimental work including building and maintenance of experimental equipment, catalytic material's design, material synthesis and characterization using techniques such as FTIR, XRD, XPS, UV-vis and TEM. It is regarded as meritorious if you have experience within the field of green chemistry and modelling, and supervision and teaching. The PhD degree should generally not be older than three years.
Chalmers continuously strives to be an attractive employer. Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all activities at Chalmers.
Application procedure
The application should be marked with Ref 20140340 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically via Chalmers webpage.
Application deadline: November 26, 2014
For questions, please contact:
Assoc. Prof. Hanna Härelind, Applied Chemistry, hanna.harelind@chalmers.se, +46 31 7722959
Chalmers declines to consider all offers of further announcement publishing or other types of support for the recruiting process in connection with this position.
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