

New antipsychotics and gut microbiota : Campinas-SP, Brazil

The Multidisciplinary Center for Obesity Research and Associated Diseases is recruiting a postdoctoral fellow to pursue research in gut microbiota and psychiatric diseases. The main objective of this study is to investigate the gut microbiota of patients with different psychiatric illnesses, as well as the effect of new antipsychotics on alterations in intestinal microbiota and subsequente metabolic conditions. The responsabilities of the fellow include: conducting research, presenting seminars, writing papers and dissemination of research findings through conferences and scientific events, co-supervision of undergraduate students and graduate students and cooperation with educational projects. The candidate must have relevant training in the gastroenterology or endocrinology area and experience with gene and protein expression, bioinformatics and metagenomics. Experience in microscopy and with laboratory animals is also prefered. The candidate should send a letter of interest, an updated CV and a letter of recommendation to the following e-mail: msaad@fcm.unicamp.br