The Berlin Mathematical School (BMS) invites applications for the Dirichlet Postdoc Fellowship starting in the fall of 2015. This two-year position is open to promising young mathematicians who will have completed their PhD degree by 30 September 2015 and want to pursue their own research in one of the seven research fields of mathematics offered by the Berlin Mathematical School. The competitive full-year salary includes health insurance. Fellows are expected to teach one course per semester, typically in English at graduate level. Applications from well-qualified individuals, especially women, are highly encouraged.
Completed applications are due by 1 December 2014. The Berlin Mathematical School (BMS) is a joint graduate school of the mathematics departments of the three major Berlin universities: Freie Universität (FU), Humboldt-Universität (HU) and Technische Universität (TU). The BMS has been funded under the German “Excellence Initiative” since October 2006. Please Note: In order to access the application form, you first have to register at http://www.math-berlin.de/component/comprofiler/registers. Then please submit your application via the online submission form at http://www.math-berlin.de/postdoc-application. You are permitted to submit only one application. Please note that you will be asked to input the name and email address of three referees during the online application process. Please have the following PDF documents ready for upload during this process: • Letter of Application • Curriculum Vitae • University Certificates • Research Statement • List of Publications Contact: phone: +49 30 314 786 51 e-mail: postdoc@math-berlin.de www.math-berlin.de上一篇:西班牙数学科学院招聘博士后