


The Department of Clinical Neuroscience (CNS) conducts research and education in the field of neuroscience from the molecular level to the society level. The clinical research and education is conducted in collaboration with other research groups from the Karolinska Institutet, with other universities as well as the Stockholm County Council. Please visit our website for more information: http://ki.se/en/cns

General background
This project is supported by a larger grant from the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) which links competences in imaging with a deep understanding of the clinical needs for new diagnostics and treatment for neuropathological conditions, Alzheimer´s disease, Parkinson´s disease and neurotrauma. The focus is molecular imaging methods for identifying mechanisms and a new generation of probes for diagnosis and therapy. The program uses methodology in the forefront, generating atomic structures of 7TM receptors, intracellular dynamics of molecules and their direct interactions or aggregation. The project is led by professor Per Svenningsson in collaboration with professors Martin Ingvar, Mikael Svensson and Lars Terenius. This postdoc position is one (1) of three (3) positions that we are now recruiting to the project.

The studies relate to the role of 7TM receptor-mediated processes in the etiologies of Parkinson's disease. In particular, the role of GPR37 in neurodegeneration shall be studied. Various molecular and cellular assays for receptor trafficking, dimerization, aggregation, signaling and function will be employed. Successful applicants will generate data that guide the development of novel approaches to be tested in animal models of Parkinsonism. Independence and strong motivation are expected throughout the project. Candidates will be encouraged to serve as mentors for exam students and co-mentors for Ph.D. students, thus building their experience for future leadership.

Entry requirements
Applicants should have an academic degree and a PhD in the field of Biomedical Science, Biophysics and/or Engineering. A strong background in molecular and cellular imaging, preferably in the neuroscience field, is advantageous. Applicants may have spent part of their education in a foreign country, bringing international experience and a strong team spirit to the laboratory. Excellent command of the English language is highly preferred.

A person is eligible for a position as postdoctoral research fellow if he or she has obtained a PhD no more than seven years before the last date of employment as postdoc.

Application process
An employment application must contain the following documents in English or Swedish:

  1. A complete curriculum vitae, including date of the thesis defence, title of the thesis, previous academic positions, academic title, current position, academic distinctions, and committee work
  2. A complete list of publications
  3. A summary of current work (no more than one page)
  4. Verifications for crediting of illness, military service, work for labour unions or student organisations, parental leave or similar circumstances
  5. Verification from the thesis defence committee or the equivalent (only if the thesis defence is scheduled within three months after the application deadline)
    The application is to be submitted on the MyNetwork recruitment system…