Postdoctoral fellow position in Angiogenesis/Immunology at Harvard/MGH
Laboratory of Angiogenesis and Inflammation, Dr. Alexander G. Marneros, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston
Our laboratory is investigating molecular mechanisms that control macrophage activation and the role of macrophages for inflammation and pathological angiogenesis. We have established in vitro assays to identify regulators of macrophage polarization. For example, in a chemical screen we could identify chemical inhibitors of alternative macrophage polarization (M2-type macrophages) and could show in vivo that these inhibitors can inhibit macrophage-induced angiogenesis (JBC, 2014; Cell Reports, 2013; Am J Path, 2013).
This project aims to define molecular pathways that are critical in determining macrophage polarization and that influence the ability of activated macrophages to induce pathological angiogenesis in conditions such as age-related macular degeneration, cancer or wound healing.
Our laboratory is embedded in a highly productive and well-equipped environment at Massachusetts General Hospital of Harvard Medical School.
Required profile:
- Ph.D. with strong background in immunology and molecular biology; at least one first-author publication
that demonstrates experience in molecular biology and immunology
- Experience in working with mice
- Passionate about science and commitment for 2-3 years required
- Ability to work independently within a dynamic team
- Able to start position ASAP
lab website: http://www.massgeneral.org/research/researchlab.aspx?id=1076
Interested candidates should send the CV and references to Alexander G. Marneros, M.D., Ph.D.,
Email: alexander_marneros@yahoo.com