


Postdoc position in Experimental Particle Physics

Field of Interest: hep-ex
Experiment: CERN-LHC-ATLAS
Deadline: 2014-11-07
Region: Europe

Job description:
The Experimental Particle Physics Group at Stockholm University invites applications to a postdoctoral position in the field of high energy physics, focused on the analysis of the high energy proton-proton collisions collected with the ATLAS experiment at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider. The Stockholm group has been active in the construction, commissioning and calibration of several ATLAS detector components: the Tile Calorimeter and the First Level Trigger system and continues to carry responsibilities in these areas. The group currently consists of 8 faculty members, 4 post-docs and 10 PhD students. Our main analysis areas comprise searches for new physics beyond the Standard Model and precision tests of the Standard Model.

Main tasks

The successful applicant to this posiiton is expected to

  • participate and play a leading role in our analysis effort of ATLAS data;
  • assist in the supervision of PhD students;
  • contribute to our Tile Calorimeter activity
  • primarily be based at the physics department in Stockholm although occasional travel to CERN will also be necessary.