


Post-doc position (up to 3 years) in Social Cognitive Neuroscience

Successful applicants will work in a newly founded interdisciplinary research group at the Faculty of Psychology studying the neurobiological foundations of human social interaction. This research group is generously funded (funding level equivalent to ERC Starting Grant) by the Vienna Science and Technology Funds (WWTF) and led by Dr. Christoph Eisenegger (http://www.wwtf.at/projects/research_groups/details/index.php?PKEY=4151_DE_O).

The research approach of this group will involve combinations of psychopharmacology (hormones/ monoamines), and neuroimaging techniques, with paradigms of social interaction and computational modeling.

We offer a state-of-the-art research infrastructure involving direct access to several EEG labs and a research only 3 Tesla MRI Center, including combined EEG/TMS and EEG/fMRI systems, tDCS, and a decision making laboratory (for social interaction experiments). The position will be embedded in a thriving research environment offering various opportunities for interdisciplinary collaborations, such as a research platform for Cognitive Science (http://cogsci.univie.ac.at), a research platform for multimodal and translational neuroimaging (http://forschungscluster.meduniwien.ac.at/mmi-cns.html) and a center for Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (http://scan.psy.univie.ac.at).

The candidate should hold an excellent PhD in a relevant field, or expect to be awarded a PhD soon, and have a publication record in international journals. Excellent English language skills are required. An autonomous work-style and genuine curiosity is both required and supported. The candidate will work in a highly interdisciplinary research environment and is expected to be willing to share skills with others.

Strong expertise in computational modeling/programming and advanced behavioral data analysis is required.

Further responsibilities include

  • Assisting with the coordination and testing of human subjects
  • Assisting with project management
  • Task programming
  • Assisting with Institutional Review Board (IRB) submissions and protocols

The University of Vienna is the oldest university in the German-speaking world. The Faculty of Psychology is located at the center of the beautiful Danube city, which is currently ranked highest in living quality worldwide.

Applications will be considered until October 22nd. The position is available immediately.

Applications should be sent electronically and include a CV (incl. full publication list), a cover letter explaining why you are suited for and interested in this particular position, and 2 letters of references (sent separately and directly by the referees).