

Postdoctoral Positions : New Haven, CT, United States

Investigator: Clara Abraham, MD
Innate Immunity and Intestinal Inflammation
Yale University, New Haven, CT

POSTDOCTORAL POSITIONS are available for research on innate immune responses and intestinal immune homeostasis.

The laboratory focuses on understanding mechanisms regulating innate immune responses and immunological pathways in inflammatory bowel disease. The current position will investigate Innate Immunity and Host Pathogen interactions, and mucosal immunity, including the regulation of innate cells and pattern recognition pathways. These involve combined studies in both primary human immune cells and mouse model systems.

Education and experience: Candidates must have a PhD or equivalent degree with a strong background in immunology and/or molecular biology and biochemistry. Experience in cellular and molecular immunology, biochemistry, molecular biology, multiparameter flow cytometry, gene expression analysis, and human peripheral and intestinal cell isolation is desired.

Please send curriculum vitae, three names of reference and a one page summary of research background and interests to Clara Abraham, M.D. (Clara.Abraham@yale.edu)

Yale University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.