德国波恩DZNE 招聘图像处理相关博士后
The DZNE is a center of excellence within the Helmholtz Association that performs translational research on Neurodegenerative Diseases. The center includes nine sites in Berlin, Bonn, Dresden, Göttingen, Magdeburg, Munich, Rostock/Greifswald, Tübingen and Witten
A post-doctoral position is immediately available for highly talented, motivated scientist with strong experience in image processing and programming to join Al-Amoudi’s group at the DZNE in Bonn. The major aim of our team is to gather 3D structural information from normal and diseased biological samples using cryo-electron tomography of vitreous sections. Our technique is currently the only way capable to visualize 3D cellular ultra-structure at close to native state with molecular resolution. Biological samples are frozen, cryo-sectioned and projections of the sections are recorded at range of angles in an electron microscope. 3D images, called tomograms, are produced from the projections by computational means. The tomogram is a complex 3D image containing useful structural information of biological samples at molecular level. However, extraction of information from the tomograms is hampered by the low signal to noise ratio and the missing–wedge information.
The successful candidate should have strong interest in developing and implementing image processing and visualization tools and algorithms in order to overcome these limitations.
The candidates must have attained a PhD degree in engineering and/or computer science or related field. Experience in programming languages, MATLAB and/or C/C++ is required. Previous experience in biological systems is highly desirable but not required. However, the successful candidate should be interested in developing knowledge on particular biological systems to deal with. Proficiency in English and a high motivation to conduct research as part of a team are essential. For further information, please contact Dr Ashraf Al-Amoudi, Ashraf.Al-Amoudi(at)dzne.de
Employment, payment and social benefits are determined by the Public Sector Collective Agreement (Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst). Job location is Bonn, Germany. The DZNE is an equal opportunity employer. The DZNE especially welcomes and encourages disabled individuals to apply.
Interested candidates should send theirs applications including a CV, one-page on previous research and scientific interest, a list of publications and names and contact details of two references in a single PDF file to application(at)dzne.de…