PostDoc positions within GROWSPERM
The Consortium GrowSperm seeks to train young scientists in a network that joins together the complementary knowledge and expertise of several public and private EU partners from disciplines of physiology, cell biology, molecular biology, chemistry and medicine in the field of male reproduction to investigate three strategies for sperm development: 1 propagation of human SSCs in vitro followed by their transplantation 2 sperm development in vitro from stem cells or early germ cells 3 sperm development in human testis tissue grafts in vivo. Within this project 9 PhD positions and 2 PostDoc positions are available. Visit the GROWSPERM website for more information about the hiring institutions and to apply for the positions: www.growsperm.eu.
PhD 1 AMC Netherlands: Characterization of SSC propagationin vitro PhD 2 VUB Belgium: Optimization of freezing protocols PhD 3 AMC Netherlands: Differentiation of germ cells in organ culture PhD 4: KI Sweden: Differentiation of germ cells in cell culture PhD 5 KI Sweden: Differentiation of germ iPS cells in cell culture PhD 6 WWU Germany: Interaction cell types in differentiation cell culture PhD 7 VUB Belgium: Intratesticular grafting including transplanted SSCs PhD 8 UEDIN UK:Fetal human testis graft development PhD 9 WWU Germany: Allogenic ectopic grafting (several species) PostDoc 1 KNAW Netherlands: Differentiation from hESC, iPSCs, PGCs: Induction of meiosis PostDoc 2 LPH Netherlands: Compound screening for germ cell differentiation
Marie Sklodowska Curie conditions apply with respect to the National Law of the applicable countries.