The project involves development of an ultrafast burst-mode fiber laser micro machining platform based on operation at 1.55 μm and 775 nm wavelengths for silicon-based thin-film solar cell fabrication. However, we have additional plans for the laser development aspect that go substantially beyond the state of the art for 1.5 µm fiber lasers. For this position, we are looking for an experienced individual with expertise in development of high-power and/or ultrafast laser systems. Prior experience working with fiber lasers is an additional asset, but is not required. The project involves using the laser(s) to be developed for ultrafast micromachining in non-traditional parameter regimes and the candidate will have the opportunity to be involved in this aspect of the work as well.
Host Institution Ultrafast Optics and Lasers Laboratory (UFOLAB) at Bilkent University, Turkey For additional info, visit http://ufolab.bilkent.edu.tr UFOLAB is well-known for its pioneering work in ultrafast fiber lasers. Interested candidates are invited to visit the web page and browse the list of publications. Synopsis of the Project "Ultrafast 3D Micromachining for Solar Cells" We propose to develop an ultrafast burst-mode fiber laser micromachining platform based on operation at 1.55 μm and 775 nm wavelengths for silicon-based thin-film solar cell fabrication. The short-term goal of the project is to transfer laser-based fabrication steps presently used in PV cell fabrication, such as edge isolation and scribing, to fiber laser technology to be developed locally, thus developing a product that caters to a clear industrial application. The mid- to long-term goal of the project is to achieve, for the first time, 3D sub-surface processing of silicon using multi-photon processing at 1.55 μm wavelength, where Si is optically transparent. Who are we looking for? We are looking for an experienced individual with expertise in development of high-power and/or ultrafast laser systems. Prior experience working with fiber lasers is an additional asset, but is not required. The project involves using the laser(s) to be developed for ultrafast micromachining in non-traditional parameter regimes and the candidate will have the opportunity to be involved in this aspect of the work as well.
Initial appointment for 1 year, with possibility to extend to subsequent years (project duration is 5 years). Gross compensation can be up to 40000€/year, depending on the level of experience of the candidate. Note that living costs in Ankara are lower (by a factor of ~2) than most European cities. The earliest possible start date is June 1, 2014.