


Outside of the specified fields of public offers, NIMS also offers positions in fields that are not particularly specified. Within this category, it is possible to apply across a very large range of fields relating to materials science. The group in which the prospective employee is assigned is determined by aptitude and wishes. As long as the research relates to materials science, we do not consider the applicant's specialty or whether the research is basic or applied. We welcome applicants from overseas and applicants who have corporate experience. We look to employ those who are able to contribute to the next generation of advanced materials science research at the world's highest level and those who have an international perspective.

1. Candidates should have a PhD or expect to receive the degree by the start of employment.
2. Sufficient English language ability for communication with staff and collaborators.
3. No person falling under any of the following items shall be eligible for the application:
(i) An adult ward or a person under guardianship;
(ii) A person who has been sentenced on account of a crime by imprisonment or more serious punishment, and of whom the execution of the sentence has not been completed or who has not yet ceased to be amenable to the execution of the sentence;
(iii) A person who was dismissed by disciplinary action and a period of two years has not expired since the day of that disposition;
(iv) A person who, on or after the date of the enforcement of the Constitution of Japan, formed or belonged to a political party or other organization which advocated the overthrow by force of the Constitution of Japan or the government established thereunder.