The Chair of Building Physics of ETHZ and the Fluids and Porous Materials group at Empa (Zurich, Switzerland) offer a postdoctoral position available on computational modelling of multiphase transport processes in deformable porous materials, such as wood, biological tissues, aerogels and building materials.
Postdoc position: Multiphase transport in deformable porous materials
The aim of the postdoctoral position is to set up a computational framework for modelling transport of heat, air and moisture (multiphase) but also of other scalars (e.g. salts, biocides) in porous materials by means of continuum modelling. In addition, poromechanics (deformation and damage) and surface exchange processes are included. The modelling platforms are COMSOL Multiphysics and OpenFOAM. Furthermore, the postdoc should assist in the guidance of PhD students and the design of novel experiments to validate the modelling framework.
Interested candidates should meet following requirements to be eligible for the present postdoc position:
- A PhD in Mechanical, Civil, Agricultural or Material Engineering, Bioengineering, or equivalent.
- A strong knowledge of transport processes within the context of physical, chemical or biological sciences.
- A profound experience with numerical modelling of transport processes, including computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and finite-element modelling.
- Experience with non-destructive imaging techniques (particle image velocimetry and laser-induced fluorescence) is an asset.
- The candidate should be proficient in English.