


Applications are invited for postdoctoral research positions for investigations on: 1) multiferroic and spintronic nanostructures and fabrication of testbed device structures for logic and memory devices; 2) photovoltaic materials for energy harvesting

At the University of Puerto Rico, we have excellent in-house research facilities and infrastructure support to synthesize thin films and superlattices and investigate their structural, optical, electrical, magnetic, microscopic, and spectroscopic properties. The facilities include: PLD, Sol-gel, RF/DC/AC magnetron sputtering, ALD, CVD, MOCVD, and MBE techniques for film growth; XRD, XPS, AES, SIMS, SEM, AFM, TEM, HRTEM, VSM, SQUID, DSC/DTA/TGA; dielectric, FTIR, and photo-luminescence spectroscopies, solar simulator, polarization hysteresis, I-V measurements, and micro/macro temperature and pressure dependent Raman scattering studies with excitation sources from UV (244. nm) to NIR (850 nm) wavelengths. The interest is to understand science and technology of nanostructured multifunctional materials and fabricate testbed structures for energy efficient electronics and energy harvesting.