


Job Description

Postdoctoral fellow in Infectious Disease modeling and real-time prediction of tularemia outbreaks

Our research group were recently awarded a grant from Formas, the Swedish Research Council for sustainable development, related to modeling of the occurrence of infectious diseases with a focus on tularemia. We has carried out modeling on retrospective data and thereby we were able to build a model that closely mimicked the historical data (e.g., Journal of Infectious Diseases 2012:205:297). We now intend to use the model to predict future occurrences of tularemia using meteorological and hydrological forecasts within different geographical areas.

Specifically, we will refine our existing models to predict the main causes of the outbreak of tularemia and try to identify additional causative factors. These refined models will be implemented using software with a user-friendly interface that can be used to predict future outbreaks of tularemia, using meteorological and hydrological forecasts, so that they work in real time and thus enables early institution of preventive measures in endemic areas. The validity of the model will also be assessed by analyzing retrospective data on other zoonotic diseases.

The project is interdisciplinary and involves biology, computer science, epidemiology, medicine and statistics. The postdoc is expected to take an active role in this interdisciplinary cooperation. The work involves collection and management of data as well as advanced modeling using statistical techniques. Experience in modeling using statistical methods is required and also excellent programming skills as well as excellent communication skills in English. Experience of interdisciplinary research projects within biology and medicine are qualifying.

The work will be performed as part of the UCMR network (http://www.ucmr.umu.se/). The mission of UCMR is to develop model systems to identify new control strategies for modern day problems of microbial infections such as emerging and re-emerging infections, large outbreaks of food, water and insect borne infections, hospital-acquired infections, bioterrorism, microbiota shift diseases, and antibiotic resistance. UCMR is an interdisciplinary consortium of academic research groups with outstanding track records in the fields of microbial molecular pathogenesis, chemistry, structural biology, physics, and mathematical statistics that have joined forces to establish a world-leading and sustainable scientific environment at Umeå University focused on understanding and preventing microbial infectious diseases.

Successful candidates for the postdoctoral should have earned a PhD degree in fields relevant for the position. The employment will be 2 years.