




Data scientist at the University of Oxford, UK.


1、Focus on the fundamentals关注基本面

Interdisciplinary skills are more important than ever. Many people try to prepare for an interdisciplinary career by taking a lot of different courses during their PhD, but that should be a time to focus on the fundamentals and build a strong technical background. After you get a PhD, you can take your bag of tools and do a postdoc in a different field.


2Don’t be afraid to jump ship不要害怕跳槽

By switching specialities, most recently to data science and machine learning, I’ve found the same sort of passion in middle age that I had as a PhD student. I have a beginner’s excitement.


I was at the peak of my career doing work on signal processing when I decided to follow my interests and study data mining. I had become a full professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, but decided to change course again to data science and machine learning. In academia, though, moving through multiple types of experiences can be seen as a weakness, and I don’t have the impact of someone who stayed in one field. Still, I’m very happy with my career. I just don’t fit very well into a single box. I fit in many boxes.



Ecologist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.


3Learn the power of yes学习说“是”的力量

Learning how to say “no” effectively is a common piece of advice in academia, and I understand why. A lot of academics are overcommitted, and that’s a huge source of stress. But it’s just as important to learn when to say “yes”. If you never say yes, you’re never going to find the things you care about or have the impact you want to have. Think regularly and clearly about your long-term goals, and you’ll know when to jump at an opportunity.


One of my goals is to improve the climate of academia. Recognizing that made me rethink whether I should work on so many editorial boards. That sort of commitment takes me away from promoting diversity, equity and inclusion. When I was offered a chance to blog for Dynamic Ecology the timing was terrible, but I knew I’d regret it if I didn’t take it. Blogging fits with my goals. I can’t magically make more time, but I can make the most of the time I have.


4Put yourself first把自己放在第一位

Don’t sacrifice your health and well-being for your career. Especially early in your career, it’s easy to say: “I shouldn’t do this long-term, but if I work really long hours now, I can make up for it in the future.” That’s a very common mindset, but it’s dangerous. I know people who had to leave academia after getting tenure because they didn’t address their mental-health issues during training. On Twitter, people will say: “Things are pretty bad but I’ll deal with it later.” They should deal with it now. That means: keep working hours under control, make time to exercise, spend time with friends and family and generally enjoy life. And if they need professional help, they shouldn’t wait.



Cell biologist at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel.


5Listen to your lab members倾听你的实验室成员的建议

A lot of people who start their own labs are afraid to admit how clueless they really are. They distance themselves from their students and postdocs because they want to assert control and act like they know what they are doing. But that distance can be very damaging. Most trainees have a lot to contribute. If you’re willing to listen to them, you could learn from their experience. They know whether a lab is functional or dysfunctional, and they might even have great ideas for making it better.


Supporting your lab members and listening to their concerns could have a big pay-off. A lot of trainees waste huge amounts of time dealing with setbacks and self-doubt. If you are receptive to their worries and give them encouragement, you can have happier, more energized, more productive lab members. You can’t do this alone.
