
国外访问学者博士后怎么过春节?(CHINESE NEW YEAR)





  The ‘Chinese New Year’, ‘Spring Festival’ or ‘Lunar New Year’ is approaching – this year it falls on January 25th. Based on the Chinese Zodiac, 2020 is the Year of the Rat. Personality traits of people born on the year of the rat are associated with wealth, cleverness and likability.


  If you are working abroad as a post-doc or a visiting scholar and you are missing home, we have good news for you: there are plenty of interesting cultural events that you can attend to celebrate the Spring Festival.


  Unlike in China, Spring Festival is not a holiday in western countries, which means everybody will be working normally. However, since the Chinese community has great presence in many western nations, plenty of festive celebrations will be hold during the weekend for you to go and have some fun!


Where to celebrate the Spring Festival? 都有哪些地方庆祝春节呢?

Chinatown, NYC 唐人街,纽约

  v The Lunar New Year Parade will be held on February 9th, 2020 at Chinatown (Manhattan), New York City.

  v 纽约唐人街(曼哈顿)的农历新年游行是在2020年2月9日。

  v The event starts at 11:00am and ends at 3:30pm.

  v 活动在早上11:00开始,下午3:30结束。

  v Around 500,000 people attend to this event every year, so it can get crowded. Also, several streets and subway stations will be closed, so get there early to get a good spot.

  v 每年大约有50万人次参加这一盛事,到时候一定很拥挤。并且,部分街道和地铁站会处于关闭状态,记得早点到达,并占一个好位置观看。

  v Be on the lookout for dragons, floats and a hail of red and gold.

  v 看点除了舞龙、花车,还有彩色的装饰灯。

Chinatown Central Plaza, LA 洛杉矶唐人街中心广场

  v The Golden Dragon Parade & Chinese New Year Festival will be held on February 1st, 2020 at Chinatown (Downtown), Los Angeles.

  v 洛杉矶唐人街金龙大游行和中国春节庆祝活动会在2020年2月1日举行。

  v The event starts at 1:00pm and ends at 3:00pm.

  v 活动于下午1点开始,3点结束。

  v Thousands of people attend to this event every year. For this reason, the street closure starts at 10am, and it will only open again at 5pm. –– So be there early!

  v 每年有成千上万的人参加该活动。因此,街道会在早上10点的时候封闭,下午5点恢复通行。——所以要早点到!

  v The main attraction is the yearly Golden Dragon Parade, which makes its route kicking off at Hill and Ord Streets, and concluding at Broadway and Cesar Chavez Streets).

  v 活动看点比如每年的金龙大游行,将从Hill and Ord Streets出发,一路表演至Broadway and Cesar Chavez 。

  v The Chinatown Central Plaza celebration also brings multi-stage acts from kung fu demos and traditional music acts.

  v 唐人街中心广场庆祝活动将为大家带来多段表演,如功夫表演和传统音乐表演。

Chinatown, London 唐人街,伦敦

  v London's Lunar New Year festivities are among the largest outside Asia, attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors every year.

  v 伦敦的农历新年活动是亚洲之外最大的农历新年庆祝盛事活动之一,每年吸引成千上万的游客参与其中。

  v The Chinese New Year festivities in London will take place on January 26th, 2020.

  v 今年伦敦的中国新年庆祝活动将于1月26日举行。

  v There Lunar New Year Parade will be held in London’s Chinatown, at Trafalgar Square and the West End.

  v 伦敦的农历新年游行活动将在唐人街的特拉法尔加广场和伦敦西区举办。

  v The parade starts at 10:00am, with the other festivities continuing into the early evening.

  v 早上十点开始游行,晚上早些时候还会有其他庆祝活动举行。

  v If you have small children, the family activities can be found throughout Leicester Square.

  v 如果您有小孩,莱斯特广场有很多家庭活动可以参加。

  v It's best to use public transportation to get to the celebrations. There are several Tube stations nearby to Chinatown and Trafalgar Square, including Leicester Square, Piccadilly Circus and Charing Cross. Also, numerous buses serve the area.

  v 最好乘坐公共交通工具参加庆祝活动。在唐人街和特拉法尔加广场附近有很多地铁站,能到达的地方有莱斯特广场、皮卡迪利广场、和查令十字。另外在这些地方也有很多公交车可以搭乘。

Chinatown, Sydney 唐人街,悉尼

  v Sydney hosts a huge 17-day festival from mid-February to early March, the biggest Chinese New Year celebration outside Asia, attended by more than one million people.

  v 悉尼于2月中至3月上旬期间将举办为期17天的中国农历新年庆祝活动,这也是亚洲外最大规模的中国农历新年庆祝活动之一,有超过一百万人次参加该活动。

  v The festival takes place in Chinatown district, hosting large lion dance parades with firecrackers on weekends, Chinese night food fairs on Fridays, and restaurants' special deals and menus.

  v 庆祝活动将在唐人街举办,周末伴随着噼里啪啦的鞭炮声,会有大型的舞狮游行活动,周五有夜市小食和餐馆特色菜单可以选择。

  v You can walk to Chinatown from Central Station or Town Hall Station. Darling Harbour is near Town Hall Station or a ferry ride from Circular Quay. Trains will also take you to Cabramatta, Parramatta, Eastwood, Bankstown and Doonside.

  v 您可以从悉尼总站或者悉尼市政厅出发步行到唐人街。达令港在悉尼市政厅附近,或者在悉尼环形码头乘轮渡过去。在这里乘坐火车也可以到达卡巴玛塔、帕塔拉玛、伊士活、宾士镇和杜恩赛德。

  v The main attraction are the LED Lion and Dragon dances at Lunar Lanterns, which will be held on January 31st, 2020 from 8:15pm to 9:15pm.

  v 农历花灯会将于2020年1月31日晚上8:15开始,并于当天晚上9:15结束,主要看点是LED灯装饰的舞龙舞狮表演。

Tips for Joining the Celebrations of Spring Festival


  v If you hope to dine in one of the Chinatown's popular restaurants, be sure to make a reservation well in advance. –– Many of the restaurants book up weeks ahead!

  v 如果您想要在唐人街人气餐厅吃饭,一定要提前预定。——很多餐厅几周前就预定满了!

  v Dress comfortably and if necessary carry rain gear.

  v 衣着要舒适,如果必要的话记得带上雨具。

  v Use public transportation to get to the festivities locations. Avoid driving there at all costs.

  v 乘坐公共交通工具到达活动场地,一定不要开车过去。

  v Have some cash already on hand so you don't need to stop at a busy ATM during the celebrations.

  v 带一些现金,这样活动期间就不用在ATM前排队取钱。

  v The celebrations are very crowded, so be mindful of your belongings and watch out for pick-pockets. Keep your valuables and cash in an inner pocket or a zipped bag.

  v 节日活动期间人群非常拥挤,留意自己的随身物品。贵重物品一定要放置在贴身的口袋里,或者将包拉链拉好。