
国外院校博士后/访问学者英语水平测试实录 Online J1 English Proficiency Assessment


  Many universities, laboratories or academic institutions have English Assessment Tests for scholars pursuing a post-doc or visiting scholar position. Most of these short tests are simple and fast and their only aim is to check your English level.  Keep in mind that these tests will be recorded by the interviewer to be scored later using a checklist.


  The person in charge of the online test can be either your potential host professor or another faculty member, and the questions are generally related to:

  负责英语水平测试的有可能是接收方教授,也可能是其他的老师。 英语水平测试通常包含以下几个方面:

  ·         The reasons why you want to pursue the position you applied for.

  ·         Whether you have been to the country where you seek to apply for a position.

  ·         Personal information such as motivations, aspirations and hobbies.

  ·         您申请访问学者或者博士后的原因。

  ·         是否去过申请职位所在的国家?

  ·         个人信息,如: 申请动机、研修目标及个人爱好等。

  Here is an example of a dialogue between a host professor and an applicant:


  A: Applicant    申请人

  B: Host Professor      面试教授

  B: Hi, I’m Prof. Carter and I’ll be scoring your English Assessment Test. Today is November 14th, 2019. I’ve already read your CV, but please say your full name, age and nationality right now for the recording.


  A: Hello Prof. Carter. My name is Anna Liu, I’m 42 years old and I’m Chinese.


  B: Ok, let’s begin. I’m going to ask you 4 questions. And you will have 3 minutes to reply to each question, ok?


  A: Ok.

  A: 好的。

  B: Please share a little about your previous experiences traveling and/or living abroad. If you have not traveled outside your home country, please share a little about what you will do to prepare for your time in the U.S.

  B: 请告诉我一些关于您以往海外旅行或者生活的经历。如果您没有海外生活或者旅行的经历,可以告诉我您会怎样准备即将开始的美国生活。

  A: I have never traveled abroad so I’m very excited about this opportunity. In order to prepare for my visit to the University of Pittsburg, I’ve been doing some research online. The university website has useful information regarding housing options for international visitors and about life inside the campus. I have also asked several colleagues, who have worked as post-docs and visiting scholars in the US before, for some tips and recommendations.

  A: 我从来没有去过海外,所以对于这次的机会我感到非常激动。为了能够更好地在匹兹堡大学进行访学和生活,我已经做了大量的在线调查工作。匹兹堡大学的官网提供了很多有用的信息,比如国际访问人员的选房信息、校园生活信息。我也已经请教了我的几个同事,他们曾经以博士后和访问学者身份在美国工作过,他们给了我一些非常好的建议。

  B: What motivated you to pursue a visiting scholar position at the University of Pittsburgh?

  B: 您为什么要到匹兹堡大学做访问学者?

  A: The department of Biochemistry & Chemical Biology of the University of Pittsburgh is equipped with one of the most advanced laboratories in the world in terms of technology and resources. Many of the scholars that have developed research in your facilities have accomplished great discoveries and went on to publish acclaimed papers and even win Nobel prizes. At the moment, there is an on-going project that focuses on the structure of molecular mechanisms and the way its cell surface receptors operate in immunological and other responses. I have also focused my research of these types of responses, which is why it would be my honor to join your lab.

  A: 匹兹堡大学的生物化学和化学生物学系凭借其业内最前沿的技术和资源而闻名于世,也是世界顶尖的实验室之一。在这所大学任职的很多学者都取得过重大发现、并且发表过很多备受好评的文章、有的甚至获得了诺贝尔奖。目前,我知道有一个正在进行的项目,是关于免疫和其他反应中的细胞表面受体结构和分子机制方面的研究。而我的研究也集中在这些反应类型之列,这就是我想加入您的实验室的原因。

  B: What do you think will be the most challenging aspect of living and working in the U.S.?

  B: 您觉得在美国工作或者生活对您来说,最大的挑战是什么?

  A: I believe the most challenging aspect of moving to the US will be dealing with the paperwork and the necessary requirements for settling in. During my time in the US I’ll be living in the university dorms for international visitors inside the campus. Therefore, I will have to register once I arrive and provide certain documents such as: health insurance certificate, medical examination records, recommendation letters, copies of my passport and the faculty ID card, among others.

  A: 我认为在美国生活最大的挑战是在安顿下来之前,需要准备的文件和办理必要的流程。在美国期间,我将会入住学校为国际访问人员安排的校内的宿舍。所以,我一到学校就需要注册并提交相应的文件,例如:健康保险证明、体检报告、推荐信、护照复印件和办理校园卡等等。

  B: How do you think that the time you spend at the University of Pittsburgh will benefit you personally and professionally?

  B:  您认为自己在匹兹堡大学访问期间,您会在个人或者专业方面有哪些受益?

  A: Professionally, it is my long-term goal to further explore the immunological responses operated by the cell surface receptors present on molecular structures, in order to modify or influence them. This is currently a widely seek-after capability on the research industry and by many drug-developers. Obtaining expertise on this matter would benefit my work experience and allow me to produce high-profile publications. Personally, I will be able to experience a different culture while living in a foreign country. This exposure will broaden my horizons and also give me a chance to improve my English.


  B: Alright. That’s it for today. I’ll be contacting you via email within 5 days with the results.

  B: 很好,我想今天就先这样了。我会在5日内通过邮件告知您结果。

  A: Thank for your time Prof. Carter. Have a great day.


  B: Thank you… You too! Goodbye.

  B: 谢谢…您也是!再见。

  A: Goodbye.

  A: 再见。


  Generally, your answers will be scored based on 4 standards as detailed bellow:


Useful Tips实用小贴士

  ·         Practice saying out-loud your answers.

  ·         When practicing, you should use exactly the same amount of time for each answer, as the one available on the test. (For example: do not speak for longer than 3 minutes for each answer.)

  ·         Record your answers on your phone, and then listen to the recordings afterwards to check for mistakes.

  ·         Expand your vocabulary and use different expressions during the test.

  ·         During the test, avoid repeating the same word over and over again.

  ·         Focus on speaking clearly, not quickly.

  ·         Listen to lectures or podcasts online and imitate the pronunciation made by native speakers.

  ·         练习的时候要大声地进行表达。

  ·         练习的时候,每个问题回答的用时基本相同,以上面的测试举例。(例如:每个回答不要超过3分钟。)。

  ·         练习回答的时候用手机录音,然后听录音检查是否有错误出现。

  ·         测试期间,拓展自己的词汇表达,并能够用不同的方式进行回答。

  ·         测试期间,避免重复使用同一个词汇。

  ·         力求表达清楚,语速不能过快。

  ·         在线听母语为英语的人制作的网络课程或者录播课,并模仿发音。