


The Collaborative Research Center 1095 Discourses of Weak­ness and Resource Regimes at Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main, is offering two

Postdoctoral Research Fellowships
(Postdoc, E 13 TV-G-U, 100%)

for the studies in Medieval Cultures to start as soon as possible. The fellowships are limited until December 31st, 2018.

The CRC Discourses of Weakness and Resource Regimes supports the comparative research in cultural modes of stabilisation and transformation. The Research Center is based on the working hypothesis that the combination of two fields of observation are peculiarly revealing for the diachronic and synchronic comparison of cultures: a culture’s organisation of resources (what is considered as a resource and how are the respective – material or immaterial – goods distributed?) and a culture’s discourses on weakness (how are deficits modelled and how do these discursive models shape political-social practice?). For the time being, participants are historians, economic historians, ethnologists, philosophers, legal historians and sinologists; research fellows from other disciplines (e.g. literary studies, art history) are expressly welcome.

The medieval project focuses on a macro-historical discussion currently vivid throughout the disciplines of medieval research. In detail, it analyses the relation between the organisation of marriage, family and kinship on the one hand and the emergence of political and social institutions on the other. Within this broad macro-historical perspective, the fellows are expected to follow their own research interests. The project welcomes interests in a broad range of European regions, media or epochs. Experience in the Collaborative Research Center’s field of research is wel­come, but not mandatory.

An excellent dissertation is required in a discipline of medieval studies (history, art history, literary studies etc.) as well as the readiness to participate in the activities of the Research Center.

Please address applications with the usual documents (elec­tronically only) until March 18th, 2015 to Prof. Dr. Bernhard Jussen, jussen@em.uni-frankfurt.de (please cc to m.hahn@em.uni-frankfurt.de).