10月31日(当地时间本周三),加拿大移民部长杰森·肯尼(Jeason Kenny)在渥太华对外界公布加拿大移民政策的最新动向,肯尼表示,2013年度,加拿大计划接受240,000 至 265,000海外移民。
自2007年起,加拿大将每年的移民数量控制在240,000 至 265,000 之间,2010年这一数字达到了创纪录的280,636,比上世纪九十年代的均值大约高出6,000 人。
虽然每年移民总体数量没有太大变化,但加拿大移民体系内部结构将进行比较明显的调整,其中联邦技术移民(The federal skilled worker program)将被减少,加拿大经验移民(the Canada Experience Class program.)的数量将得到增加。
肯尼说,加拿大需要改进现行的移民机制,“(我们要吸收)那些能在短时间内获得成功,那些能够快速融入,那些能够迅速找到工作并且工作出色,那些能在加拿大成功开创自己的事业并给加拿大带来繁荣的人。”"But we must do a better job of selecting those who can succeed quickly, who can integrate quickly, who can find and keep good employment, who can start successful businesses and add to Canada's prosperity."
肯尼强调,“根据过去资料显示,那些具有良好英语水平,在加拿大获得学位和证书的移民,更容易在加拿大获得最终的成功”"The data tells us ," "The immigrants who do better over their lifetimes in Canada are those with a higher level of language proficiency in Canada and those with Canadian degrees and diplomas."
加拿大经验类移民的主要目标是那些曾在加拿大学习且已经毕业的国际留学生和那些拥有加拿大工作经验并掌握至少一种加拿大官方语言的短期外国工人。(Aims to recruit and retain international students who have studied and graduated in Canada as well as temporary foreign workers who speak one of Canada's official languages and already have Canadian work experience。)2009年,加拿大经验类移民的人数为2,500人,2012年这一数字为7,000人,2013年,这一数字有望增至10,000人。
肯尼最后补充道,加拿大重建目前的经济移民政策,是为了提高目前加拿大的就业水平,提高社会大众的收入,让那些新移民通过他们的能力在加拿大社会实现他们自身的价值,而不是让这些人为生计挣扎而做那些大材小用的糊口工作。We are rebuilding our economic immigration programs to get higher levels of employment, higher levels of income, more immigrants realizing their potential contributing at their skill level, rather than coming to Canada and being stuck in survival jobs and being underemployed。