
法国SIGMA Clermont人工智能-多模式感知和控制领域博士后职位


法国SIGMA Clermont人工智能-多模式感知和控制领域博士后职位

Postdoctoral Researchers In Ai-Driven Multi-Modal Perception And Control (# Of Pos: 2)

SIGMA Clermont (France) invites applications for two postdoctoral positions to contribute to the fields of multi-modal perception and control, applied to collaborative assembly tasks. Within an European project, the selected candidates will be in charge of the multi-modal perception component of the common architecture that will identify the state of the product, the environment and the collaborating human during the execution of a production task.

The details of this position can be found in the following link: https: // owncloud.sigma-clermont.fr/index.php/s/3FvkyJ3yNuUr4sE

Eligibility: Candidates must have: (i) a doctoral degree in robotics, computer science, or a closely related field; (ii) a strong record of peer- reviewed publications e.g., IROS, ICRA, TRO, RSS, ECCV/ICCV, CVPR; (iii) good skills in programming and use of related libraries such as C++/Python, ROS, Pytorch, TensorFlow, etc.

How to apply: Applicants must submit a curriculum vitae including the contact information of two professional references in a single PDF file to aly.magassouba@sigma-clermont.fr. Email subject should be ACROBA0x, where "x" is the position number (1 or 2).

Start date: September 1st, 2021.

Net salary: ~ 2100 €/month.

Offer Requirements


Computer science: PhD or equivalent