

摘要:实验室/部门:百特实验室是一个协作式多实验室工作空间,推动技术前沿,回答新的和令人兴奋的生物学问题。 Nolan实验室在使用CyTOF和CODEX技术进行细胞类型多参数分析方面拥有世界一流的专业知识。杰克逊实验室拥有最先进的质谱能力。


  职位名称:博士后职位 - 巴克斯特干细胞生物学实验室,Helen Blau博士



  实验室/部门:百特实验室是一个协作式多实验室工作空间,推动技术前沿,回答新的和令人兴奋的生物学问题。 Nolan实验室在使用CyTOF和CODEX技术进行细胞类型多参数分析方面拥有世界一流的专业知识。杰克逊实验室拥有最先进的质谱能力。 Blau实验室整合了表观基因组学分析,小鼠遗传学和机器学习,以产生对干细胞生物学和重新编程的新见解,重点关注治疗潜力。位于斯坦福医学院充满活力的学术研究社区,位于硅谷的中心。


  在斯坦福大学巴克斯特干细胞生物学实验室的Helen M. Blau教授的实验室中可以立即获得资助的博士后职位。项目重点关注干细胞的表观遗传记忆,复兴/消化,以及心肌细胞和肌肉干细胞的生物工程微环境,以期获得机械见解并将结果转化为临床。以前对干细胞生物学,下一代测序技术和基因组学的专业知识和/或兴趣,重点是老化和疾病的治疗。理想的候选人应该科学严谨,协作,并渴望了解新的领域和技术。




  申请人应向Helen Blau博士(hblau@stanford.edu)提交最新的简历


  Job Title: Postdoctoral Position – Baxter Laboratory for Stem Cell Biology, Dr. Helen Blau

  Status: Regular Full Time

  Benefits Eligible: Yes

  Laboratory/Department: The Baxter Laboratory is a collaborative multi-laboratory work space that pushes the cutting edge of technology to answer new and exciting biological questions. The Nolan lab has world-class expertise in multi-parametric analysis of cell types using CyTOF and CODEX techniques. The Jackson lab has state of the art mass spec capabilities. The Blau lab integrates epigenomic profiling, mouse genetics, and machine learning to yield novel insights into stem cell biology and reprogramming with a focus on therapeutic potential. Located in the midst of a vibrant academic research community at Stanford School of Medicine, itself at the center of Silicon Valley.

  Position Description:

  Funded post-doctoral positions are immediately available in the lab of Professor Helen M. Blau in the Baxter Laboratory for Stem Cell Biology at Stanford. Projects focus on epigenetic memory of stem cells, rejuvenation/senolytics, and bioengineered microenvironments for cardiomyocytes and muscle stem cells with a view towards gaining mechanistic insights and translating findings to the clinic. Previous expertise and/or interest in stem cell biology, next-gen sequencing technologies, and genomics with a focus on treatments for aging and disease. Ideal candidates should be scientifically rigorous, collaborative, and eager to learn about new fields and techniques.


  Ph.D. in Biological Sciences or M.D./Ph.D.

  Application Instructions:

  Applicants should submit a current CV to Dr. Helen Blau, hblau@stanford.edu