


Postdoctoral fellowship at Arctic Research Centre (ARC), Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University : Aarhus, Denmark

About ARC
ARC is an interdisciplinary research centre at Aarhus University (see http://arctic.au.dk). ARC is funded by AU for an initial period of five years. Furthermore ARC is part of the Arctic Science Partnership between Aarhus University, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources and University of Manitoba, Canada (see http://asp-net.org).

Research area and project description
We advertise a postdoc position dealing with physical oceanography in the Arctic region. The Arctic is a hot topic in international relations due to climate change and growing global economic interests in the possibilities for establishing new, shorter shipping routes and for offshore extraction of oil and gas. The development of new facilities by multiple actors is expected to accelerate. To the Danish Realm, these changes imply huge possibilities, challenges and obligations. For the Greenlandic society, this entails potential economic benefits but also an unknown risk for the environment, biodiversity and the fishing industry. As shipping activities increase across the Arctic, the risk of oil spills and emissions constitute a critical challenge for the entire region, due to the special Arctic conditions (e.g. sea ice, icebergs, storms, winter darkness and sensitive habitats).

Read the full announcement at

Ansøgningsfrist: 1/4/2015…