


The Leibniz Institute for Age Research – Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI) in Jena, Germany is a member of the Leibniz Association and its basic budget is supported jointly by the land of Thuringia and by the Federal Government of Germany. Our mission is to understand the molecular mechanisms that un-derlie the ageing process and that lead to age-related diseases. We hope that this knowledge will pave way to healthy aging of humans.

Our new Junior group lead by Dr. Maria Ermolaeva is starting at the FLI and invites applications for a Postdoc Position
Research focus of the Lab / Research projects:
The laboratory studies molecular mechanisms of stress tolerance with particular focus on protein quality control and molecular interplay between immunity and aging. The ultimate goal is to break ground for the development of therapies that would enhance age-related organ function and confer protection from stress-induced tissue degeneration. The discovery process is based on high through-put genetic screens performed in nematode C. elegans and in primary murine organotypic cultures. Functional studies with links to longevity and tissue functionality during aging and disease are carried out in C. elegans and mouse models of inflammatory degenerative disorders.

The applicant should be highly self-motivated with a genuine interest in in vivo studies of stress re-sponses and aging. Expertise in molecular biology and protein biochemistry is essential. Prior experi-ence in mouse work and processing of mouse tissue would be an advantage. Good team-working capabilities are also required.

We offer the position in a newly established and well-equipped research group of a high quality insti-tute for age research, which harbours essential state-of-the-art facilities. Fritz Lipmann Institute is part of the Beutenberg Campus of Jena, an interdisciplinary base uniting several centres of innova-tive research.

The position is limited for two years initially. The contract conditions and the salary will be according to the collective labour agreement for public service employees of the federal states of Germany (TV-L E13). The estimated starting date is between April 1st and August 1st 2015.

Jena, situated in the heart of Thuringia, is a typical university and academic town and offers a high quality of life. The FLI explicitly encourages women to apply.