


The Unit of Work Environment Toxicology
The research at the Unit of Work Environment Toxicology at The Institute of environmental medicine, Karolinska Institutet covers a wide range, from basic mechanistic research in cell systems and mathematical modeling to applied research with volunteers and practical applications. The aim is to highlight areas that are crucial for toxicological risk assessment, with a focus on health and safety at the workplace, indoor air quality and chemical accidents. One central theme is physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling as a tool to describe, understand and predict the uptake and disposition of xenobiotics.

The Unit of Work Environment Toxicology now seeks two postdoctoral fellows in projects involving toxicokinetic, PBPK and QSAR modelling. The successful applicants will work in close collaboration with the supervisor Professor Gunnar Johanson. The positions are temporary (2 years).

Modelling of lung deposition and uptake
This project aims to develop a population-based pharmacokinetic model that describes the deposition and uptake of inhaled particles in healthy and diseased lungs. The methods used will involve Bayesian statistics, Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) modelling and PBPK modelling. Pulmonary models for particle deposition and absorption will be linked to generic whole-body PBPK models to predict concentrations of inhaled drugs and other xenobiotics in airways, lung tissue and other target-specific compartments. The project is funded by AstraZeneca. Close collaboration with AstraZeneca is expected.

Dermal absorption of hazardous industrial chemicals
The project aims to improve the knowledge basis for health risk assessment and management of accidental dermal exposure to chemicals in disasters. The main purpose is to develop a new type of exposure model that identifies which substances requires skin decontamination measures and within what time span these measures have to be taken. The model should account for evaporation from skin, absorption through skin and development of systemic toxicity. The project is funded by the National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen)via the disaster toxicology knowledge center (KcC).

We are looking for highly motivated candidates with a degree in biomedicine or toxicology. Excellent skills in written and spoken English and in communication, as well as an ability to interact socially and scientifically with other researchers and students, are essential. Documented skills in toxicokinetics/pharmacokinetics, Bayesian statistics, and PBPK, MCMC, population and QSAR modelling are highly advantageous.

Entry requirements
A person is eligible for a position as Postdoctoral Researcher if he or she has obtained a PhD no more than seven years before the last date of employment as postdoc….