
瑞典 CR Competence AB 公司招聘化学方向博士后

This 2-year postdoc project is a part of a newly started Marie Curie Initial Training Programme, entitled Biopolymer Based Food Delivery Systems (BIBAFOODS). The overall objective of the postdoc project is to investigate the applicability of a novel type of alkylglycoside surfactants (“OMAGs”) in controlled delivery of sensitive food additives. OMAGs are oligomeric alkylglycosides that constitute a novel class of biosurfactants. The influence of OMAGs on the properties and integrity of lipid bilayers will be studied by scattering and NMR techniques. In addition, the release properties from different bilayer structures incorporating OMAGs will be investigated as a function of enzyme activity. The project will mainly be conducted at CR Competence AB in Lund (Sweden), but will involve extensive collaboration with other industrial and academic partners in the BIBAFOODS programme.


The overall objective of this 2-year postdoc project is to investigate the applicability of a novel type of alkylglycoside surfactants (“OMAGs”) in controlled delivery of sensitive food additives. OMAGs are oligomeric alkylglycosides that constitute a novel class of biosurfactants. They have recently proved possible to synthesize by enzymatic means and have been specifically designed to ensure biocompatibility and controlled biodegradability. They are therefore inherently interesting for applications within the area of in vivo controlled release. It is well known that conventional alkylglycosides with short head-groups (glucosides, maltosides) affect bilayer permeability and vesicle integrity in a concentration-dependent manner. There are strong indications that these effects decrease with increasing length of the head-group. The working hypothesis in the project is therefore that the release properties of liposomes and other vesicular structures comprising OMAGs may be sensitive to enzymatic degradation in a tuneable fashion. More specifically, the hypothesis is that when the length of the alkylglycoside head-groups is decreased by amylases, the vesicle integrity is impacted, which leads to a controlled release of vesicle contents. The effect of different OMAGs on bilayer and vesicle integrity with be investigated using a combination of structural (e.g SAXS and SANS) and thermal (e.g. DSC) techniques, as well as by proprietary NMR techniques. Degradation of the carbohydrate part of the alkylglycosides will be attempted using mammalian alfa-amylases and related enzymes as catalysts in systems containing various types of vesicle structures. Finally, enzyme-induced release of encapsulated species will be explored in selected systems. The project is hosted by CR Competence AB in Lund (Sweden). However, it will be conducted in close collaboration with other participants in the BIBAFOODS project, namely University of Copenhagen, University of Lund, University of Heidelberg and Chr. Hansen A/S. Short-term secondments to these partnering organisations will be included over the course of the project.