

1) 独立承担部分实验室的研究项目并参与指导研究生的日常研究工作;
2) 协助PI处理研究相关事务,包括实验室日常管理和维护,基金申请,项目相关的业务委托与合作交流。
联系人:王华翌 博士。
1. Xia, B., Fang, S., Chen, X., Hu, H., Chen, P., Wang, H. #, and Gao, Z#. (2016). MLKL forms cation channels. Cell Res 26, 517-528. (#Corresponding author)
2. Li, D., Xu, T., Cao, Y., Wang, H., Li, L., Chen, S., Wang, X., and Shen, Z. (2015). A cytosolic heat shock protein 90 and cochaperone CDC37 complex is required for RIP3 activation during necroptosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A,112, 5017-5022.
3. Su, L., Quade, B., Wang, H., Sun, L., Wang, X., and Rizo, J. (2014). A plug release mechanism for membrane permeation by MLKL. Structure, 22, 1489-1500.
4. Wang, H., Sun, L., Su, L., Rizo, J., Liu, L., Wang, LF., Wang, FS., and Wang, X. (2014) Mixed Lineage Kinase Domain-like protein MLKL Causes Necrotic Membrane Disruption Upon Phosphorylation by RIP3. Mol Cell, 54, 133-146.
(Selected as the Cover Story of Mol Cell; Story of this work was selected by Faculty of 1000 Biology.)
5. Sun, L., Wang, H., Wang, Z., He, S., Chen, S., Liao, D., Wang, L., Yan, J., Liu, W., Lei, X., and Wang, X. (2012) Mixed lineage kinase domain-like protein mediates necrosis signaling downstream of RIP3 kinase. Cell, 148, 213-227.
6. Sun, L., Wang, H., Hu, J., Han, J., Matsunami, H., and Luo, M. (2009). Guanylyl cyclase-D in the olfactory CO2 neurons is activated by bicarbonate. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 106, 2041-2046.
7. Liang, P.*, Wang, H.*, Chen, H.*, Cui, Y., Gu, L., Chai, J., and Wang, K. (2009). Structural Insights into KChIP4a Modulation of Kv4.3 Inactivation. The Journal of biological chemistry, 284, 4960-4967. (*Equal contribution)
8. Chen, L.*, Wang, H.*, Zhang, J., Gu, L., Huang, N., Zhou, J.M., and Chai, J. (2008). Structural basis for the catalytic mechanism of phosphothreonine lyase. Nature structural & molecular biology, 15, 101-102. (*Equal contribution)
9. Wang, H.*, Yan, Y.*, Liu, Q., Huang, Y., Shen, Y., Chen, L., Chen, Y., Yang, Q., Hao, Q., Wang, K., et al. (2007). Structural basis for modulation of Kv4 K+ channels by auxiliary KChIP subunits. Nature neuroscience, 10, 32-39. (*Equal contribution)
10. Han, Z., Guo, L., Wang, H., Shen, Y., Deng, X.W., and Chai, J. (2006). Structural basis for the specific recognition of methylated histone H3 lysine 4 by the WD-40 protein WDR5. Molecular cell, 22, 137-144.
11. Zhang, T., Sun, Y., Tian, E., Deng, H., Zhang, Y., Luo, X., Cai, Q., Wang, H., Chai, J., and Zhang, H. (2006). RNA-binding proteins SOP-2 and SOR-1 form a novel PcG-like complex in C. elegans. Development, 133, 1023-1033.