

摘要:英国爱丁堡大学动物健康/农业或环境经济学或社会科学博士后招聘We are seeking a post-doctoral research fellow to join The Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Security at the University of Edinburgh.

  We are seeking a post-doctoral research fellow to join The Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Security at the University of Edinburgh. You will be a motivated, enthusiastic, creative and independent researcher interested in working in the area of antimicrobial resistance in livestock and aquaculture systems in India. The position involves using interdisciplinary research methods to understand antimicrobial use and its consequences in low and middle-income contexts. To design fieldwork and analyse results, the post involves close collaboration with other researchers in both the UK and India.

  The position is full time and is available on a fixed term basis for 24 months. This may be renewed on an annual basis depending on future funding applications.

  Informal enquiries can be made to Professor Dominic Moran at Dominic.moran@ed.ac.uk.

  Short-listed candidates may be asked for copies of written work and may be invited for interview.
