


Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Neuroscience

University of Sussex - Sussex Neuroscience and School of Psychology

Fixed term for 2 years, full time

Salary range: starting at £31,656 and rising to £35,609 per annum.

Expected start date: September 2016

Description: Two-photon imaging of hippocampus in behaving mice

The hippocampus is a key structure implicated in spatial and non-spatial learning & memory, and is particularly susceptible to damage in disease states, including acute hypoxia, Alzheimer’s disease and obesity. We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher to join our interdisciplinary (Neuroscience, Psychology and Bioinformatics) team at Sussex Neuroscience to investigate neuronal- and vascular responses during reward-based, non-spatial contextual learning, using 2-photon imaging of the hippocampus in awake and behaving mice. These exciting experiments will reveal how contextual memories are represented in and retrieved from hippocampus to module motivated action, as well as how blood flow is increased in response to hippocampal activation. 

This 2-year postdoc position is funded by a recent MRC Discovery award to The University of Sussex aimed at developing novel technologies and techniques to interrogate neural circuitry dynamics underlying behaviour and neuropathologies. It provides a unique opportunity to work on a highly collaborative project with Sussex and externally (e.g. UCL) based experts in 2-photon microscopy imaging, motivated behaviour, computational, cellular and systems neuroscience, and alongside a dedicated bioengineer. A successful postdoctoral researcher is expected to have his/her appointment extended by inclusion as a named researcher on further grant applications from PIs involved in the project and/or he/she would be supported to apply for independent funding avenues.

To qualify, candidates must have obtained their PhD/DPhil degree in neuroscience or a closely related discipline and research experience in one or more of the following areas is desirable: in vivo 2-photon imaging, neurovascular coupling, programming and analysis of large datasets. Candidates with experience in other areas such as in-vivo or ex-vivo physiology and/or imaging, etc. are also encouraged to apply. You should enjoy working as part of a team and also display motivation and commitment to research in a fast-paced and competitive field.

Applicants should send a cover letter describing their interests in the position, an  to Dr. Catherine Hall (email: Catherine.hall@sussex.ac.uk).  Further information about the laboratory is linked from Dr Hall’s university webpage: http://www.sussex.ac.uk/profiles/348374/research

For full details and how to apply see www.sussex.ac.uk/jobs

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